Allan Hsiao

Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Stanford University

I work on questions in environmental and development economics using tools from empirical industrial organization and international trade. [ CV ]

Working papers

Food Policy in a Warming World (with Jacob Moscona and Karthik Sastry)

Revise and resubmit, Econometrica

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Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil

Revise and resubmit, Econometrica

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Sea Level Rise and Urban Adaptation in Jakarta

[ | paper | podcast ]

Climate Crisis and Policy Inaction in Indonesia (with Nicholas Kuipers)

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Educational Investment in Spatial Equilibrium: Evidence from Indonesia

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Democratization and Infrastructure Investment: Evidence from Healthcare in Indonesia

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Sea Level Rise and Urban Inequality

AEA Papers and Proceedings 2024

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Survey: Sea Level Rise (with Clare Balboni)

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Survey: Tropical Deforestation (with Robin Burgess)

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Data: Historical Urban Development in Jakarta (1887-1945)

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